A State of Perpetual Immigrancy

My great grandfather was running His family in tow Towards a land of hopes and dreams Not knowing They would be running forever My grandmama had made a choice Packing up and leaving was for the best To secure a bright future After all A mother knows what is best For her children My mum … More A State of Perpetual Immigrancy


He has been sitting on those broken steps in front of the remnants of his heart and future which were reduced to rubble and ashes . He rests his head on his hands purple splotches scattered across gazing up at the sky which was once a canvas of soothing colours now was painted with charcoal … More Waiting

The Black Widow

The birds chirp sadly The cold wind hitting everybody Like the shock of this untimely demise Little children run around in black Ignorant of the melancholy surrounding them The black widow looks around With every step of a running child An arrow shoots through her heart People whisper in hushed tones While she tries to … More The Black Widow